Practice from Borovtsov & Salei on foreign trade contracts

On December 22, 2022, partner Znak Nadezhda took part in online seminar on the topic “Currency agreement and non-monetary termination of obligations under foreign trade agreement”.

The speech paid attention to practical difficulties in concluding and executing foreign trade contracts, explained the differences and cases of assignment of a claim, transfer of debt, execution by a third party and execution in favor of a third party.


Seminar for the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Seminar from Borovtsov & Salei for the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

On November 18, 2022, lawyer Irina Kozikova and senior lawyer Yulia Shuba held a seminar on the topic “Standards for advertising medicines, medical equipment and medical devices, distribution of promotional materials for healthcare professionals within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Code of Practice of the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers”.

Seminar for the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Seminar from Borovtsov & Salei for the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

On October 28, 2022, partner Lada Maisenya and lawyer Irina Kozikova held a seminar on the topic “Events with healthcare professionals. Involvement of healthcare professionals to provide services within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Code of Practice of the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers”.



Borovtsov & Salei at the forum of corporate lawyers

Partner Nadezhda Znak, as an expert, took part in X Belarusian Forum of Corporate Lawyers, which took place on October 28, 2022.

Within the block “Foreign economic activities: changes from September 1. Difficult issues” the following aspects were discussed: non-ordinary issues arising in connection with the procedure for execution of foreign trade agreements; specifics of debt release within import and export transactions; problems of debt transfer, assignment of claims and set-off under foreign trade agreements.




The List of Unfreindly States has been Determined

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus by Resolution No. 209 of 06.04.2022 (effective from 08.04.2022) determined the list of foreign states committing unfriendly acts against Belarusian legal entities and (or) individuals.