Registration in the Register of Advertising Distributors as a Condition for Providing Advertising Services

Important! On July 12, 2024, amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Advertising" will come into effect. According to these amendments, as a general rule, only advertising distributors included in the Register of Advertising Distributors are authorized to provide advertising placement (distribution) services, including Online.

This is covered in our publication.

Have time to register in the Trade Register

From July 11, 2024, changes to the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On State Regulation of Trade and Public Catering" will enter into force.

Accordingly, there are a few days left for those who carry out trade to have time to be included in the Trade Register on a reporting basis.

Newsletter 2024 (Q 2) from Borovtsov & Salei

We are pleased to present you the quarterly Newsletter, traditionally prepared by Borovtsov & Salei team, in which we pointed out the most significant, in our opinion, legislative changes for business in Belarus for the period of April - June 2024.

Newsletter 2024 (Q 2) can be found here Newsletter 2024 (Q 2) from Borovtsov & Salei.

We provide additional information: On June 29, the EU (2024/1865) adopted new restrictive measures aimed against Belarus. The agreed measures will affect various sectors of the Belarusian economy, including trade, services, transport. For more information, see here.