Scientific and practical journal "" published a new article prepared by councel Alena Salei and senior associate Yulia Shuba. Essential and formal differences highlighted by the authors allow to give comprehensive assesment of advantages and disadvantages of each of the analysed forms.
In the recently published article "Execution of Court Decisions on the Transfer of Rights and Obligations of the Buyer of Shares (Stake in the Authorized Capital) of a Company" in the "Jurist" magazine Vassili Salei and Dmitry Nosach consider the problematic aspects of execution of court decision on the transfer of rights and obligations of the buyer of shares (stake in the authorized capital) of the company to a participant whose preferential right to purchase was violated.
Illia Salei has commented on the issue of legal regulation of blockchain in Belarus.
Cointelegraph, one of the world's leading information resources in the field of crypto-currency and block-technology, published a new article. Senior Associate Illia Salei has contributed to the article and provided his comment on the matter.