Saman Negaresh, Junior Associate, took part as a speaker in an accelerated course on IT law and delivered on software development contracts and necessity of relevant IP rights registration.
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus expressed gratitude to Borovtsov & Salei for its contribution to maintaining the rule of law in Belarus and kind assistance in organizing the ceremonial event dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Ministry.
The released Chambers Europe Guide 2019 has once again proven our leading positions in Belarus by ranking our team in all the researched practice areas. Additionally, four of our team members has been recognized as leading individuals in the market.
World's leading legal rankings the Chambers Global Guide has confirmed leaading positions of Borovtsov & Salei lawyers and attorneys in the Republic of Belarus.
Proud to share that the first January 2019 issue of Jurist Magazine is entirely dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Borovtsov & Salei. The issue contains interviews of founding partners Mr. Valentin Borovtsov and Mr. Vassili Saei, as well as articles on various legal topics by written by our team.